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EZ1073 Classic British knobs set, Don

71,71 €
(60,26 € excl. vat)
including VAT., plus shipping
  • In stock!
  • Stock: 6 available
  • Shipping time: 1 - 2 workdays
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Item no.
  • DA-2017530
Product weight
  • 0,01 kg
Shipping weight
  • 0,14 kg

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This product consists of

  1. Classic British Fluted Knob with skirt
    Classic British Fluted Knob with skirt
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  3. Red Marconi Knob, skirted 2 x Set screw, 1/4 Shaft hole
    Red Marconi Knob, skirted 2 x Set screw, 1/4 Shaft hole
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    Classic Vintage Console Trim Knob NV-DA84

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    (4,29 € excl. vat)
    including VAT., plus shipping
* All prices are final prices in EUR including the valid value added tax/VAT.